Happy Monday to you. Today I’m led to share with you what God keeps saying to me, and this word is coming from everywhere. He will not let up on this. It’s something He’s already said to us. There’s something very, very powerful about what is going on right now in the earth. God has allowed this virus to occur for deeper things. Christ specializes in making roses grow from ashes.
What I am hearing from The Spirit’s dictation is to not move so quickly in His directions that we take these things He gives us and use them as a “quarantine checklist” of sorts. You know, checking off everything that He says to do…doing this, and that, and the other thing, and wow! I am full of joy all of a sudden! That isn’t how He works. HE is the destination, not the joy and peace, but theĀ SourceĀ of the joy and peace.
We are seeking sweet relationship with Him, not the things He gives. He is The Point. The healing you need will come from Christ for sure. Go and be with Him. Here is what He will not stop saying: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10.) He has literally allowed most of the activity on earth to be stopped. Halted. Stilled. Something deeper is happening and His words to me for days have been from Psalm 46:10.
So for today our encouragement from His Spirit is to be still before Him. Abiding in Him is where you will find everything that you need and even more than you can imagine.
Did you write up a schedule for yourself? Does it include the first thing we learned? That thing about receiving God’s love and company the first thing every morning? Everything in your life hinges on your sitting with Him every day. I can’t stress enough how He is pointing to this again and again.
When the God Of The Universe says something once, it’s important, and we better listen up. When He repeats it over and over, pay even MORE attention! Something is up for sure. He desires your heart and your being with Him.
Sit with The Spirit after you read this, even if you already have sat with Him today, do it again. If you haven’t, go and do it now. Be still, be quiet – don’t talk, just think about Him (He will help you) and let’s see where He is going with all of this. To repeat, something deeper is going on than this virus and He wants you to be a part of a beautiful work. In the middle of the dark, His light shines. Allow His light to shine both in and on you today.
Talk to you on Wednesday. Now go and do Psalm 46:10.